Sunday, August 26, 2012

LaTasha Marzolla Interview: "Future Legends 9" Phenom Female Fighter

King of the Cage, Inc. Magnaflow Exhaust products and Lucas Oil presents “Future Legends 9” -- Saturday, September 1, 2012 at the Eastside Cannery Casino located in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Speaking of Future Legends we introduce to you the next phenom female fighter. In this exclusive interview with LaTasha Marzolla, she tells us of her a life that has led her into the King of the Cage arena. This stage is where all of her talents will diverge, creating such a dynamic and skilled fighter that there is nothing that can hold this woman back.

LaTasha Marzolla began her life in Las Vegas 1979; born to parents who obviously pushed her to be the best at whatever she did and to always seek higher ground. She attended Las Vegas High where she was a member of the Junior Varsity Wrestling Team. After her house was robbed, she enrolled in a Muay Thai class which was taught by the well know Master Toddy.

Marzolla took this training to the next level when she began a career as a kickboxer with the K-1 Promotion under the name of Venus. This opportunity took her to destinations such as Japan, Thailand and Australia earning her a record of 13-3. She also maintained her modeling career where she appeared in several Playboy Special Editions and in 2004 was chosen Playmate of the Year.

In that same year she began a brief career as a professional wrestler and signed with the WWE training with the Ohio Valley Wrestling team. Unfortunately she suffered an injury and decided that her heart was moving her in another direction and into a more serious form of combat. She appeared with Gina Carano in a 2005 documentary, Ring Girls; which was about her and 4 other women who also trained under Master Toddy and then competed in Muay Thai competitions in Las Vegas and Thailand.

She took this combat spirit into the Throwdown Training Center in Las Vegas and began her tutelage under the late and great Shawn Tompkins. She competed in many amateur events in Las Vegas with the promotion Tuff-N-Uff and it was MMA that grabbed her and fed her desire to become a superstar fighter. Through all of these life changes LaTasha managed to marry her best friend and together created two beautiful children who obviously after talking with LaTasha, are her greatest inspirations.

Although her and her husband did eventually divorce and go their separate ways they remained very close and their friendship never suffered but instead grew stronger as together they raised their children. In 2011, after a brief visit with him where he told her to follow her dreams and become the great fighter that he knew she would become, he was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident. Just 2 weeks after this tragedy, her son competed in California amongst 100s of kids and placed for the State Wrestling Championship. This warrior spirit that her son displayed at these competitions and her daughter who continued to compete in wrestling and tennis, has pushed her mentally to a whole different level.

LaTasha says that being a role model to women is something near and dear to heart; proving that no matter what the obstacles or the can follow your heart and your dreams and be everything you want to be and more.

All this has led LaTasha Marzolla to the King of the Cage platform where she will be competing just this one time as an amateur against Muay Thai fighter Samantha Quinn Hester. This match up will pit 2 very strong stand up fighters against one another and push them to the depths of their talents.

LaTasha added that she is so grateful to be fighting for King of the Cage and understands that this is just the beginning of a long and successful career in MMA. King of the Cage welcomes LaTasha and has offered her a platform in which to fulfill her dreams and goals. Being in front of 100 million homes in 37 countries is a dream come true she adds and that she feels she has found a home in which she can prosper.

This interview was one of the special ones that this reporter has had the opportunity to do and in my opinion this woman is unstoppable and an example to all women and young girls, that there are no boundaries.........only the ones you put upon yourself.

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