Thursday, June 14, 2012

Interview with MMA GOLD Owner Dave Hirschbein "The Making Of A Great Company"

Interview with MMA GOLD Owner Dave Hirschbein "The Making Of A Great Company"

Interview by Johnny Cernucan “Doin’ Life Magazine”


It’s been about 4 months since we’ve last spoken. It appears the MMAGOLD

brand is growing in the Region, what do you contribute your fast growth too?


It’s been a good first half in 2012 as I’ve partnered with some very good fighters,

trainer, managers and fight camps. However, it’s not just the MMAGOLD brand

that is growing in the region, there are other very well established companies that

I’ve seen gain more mindshare at the same time. There is room for everyone to

grow, the more companies involved in our region, it will lead to more

opportunities for fighters to take advantage of.


Do you not consider these other companies competitors?


Absolutely not, what you may call a competitor, I see it as an opportunity to cobrand

together on a deserving fighter. My platinum business partner is (ilicit)

who have come into in our region and made an immediate impact. They share

the same passion for MMA as I do and our objectives of assisting fighters are on

the same level. Then there’s 5150 Fightwear who are very well established and

work with a ton of awesome fighters. BAMF & Finished MMA are also great

companies that I enjoy working with for co-branding. In terms of traditional fight

management companies, some of the very best in our region are Impact Fight

Management, Team Ruiz Fighter Management and of course 5150 has their hand

in the management game too. I would recommend any fighter to sign with any of

these management companies as there all trustworthy and care about the

wellbeing of their fighters.


Many people are wondering, are you a fight manager or fight sponsor to top

regional talent and future prospects?


If you look at pure numbers alone with my fight roster, I’m a fight sponsor first,

then a manager. I very much enjoy assisting fighters with sponsorships that are

skilled, appreciative and train full time in pursuing their dream of becoming a

world champion.


As a follow on question, how does a fighter become managed or sponsored by



Many of my fighters have been referred to me by other MMAGOLD fighters as

they know the type of fighters I like to deal with. I would never recruit any fighter

for management as that’s not my style. Fighter referrals just seem to be a

positive way for the relationship to begin. Additionally, I’m often contacted by

trainers asking me to take a look at one of their fighters. I’m not a trainer myself,

but I believe in my ability to look at a fighter and make good business decisions if

they fit what I look for in a fighter.


Your bringing in some good fighter 3rd party sponsorships that you mentioned

you co-brand with, how do you decide who to work with and which fighter gets



I’ve set up a network of 3rd party sponsorships that I co-brand with as mentioned

earlier. For any company to be considered for co-branding, they must bring value

to the fighter and not profit directly from them. Therefore, when a new fighter is

signed to the MMAGOLD brand, they can take advantage of additional 3rd party

sponsorships that have been set up with the fighter’s best interest. With regards

to who gets what, it really comes down to what a sponsor company is looking to

achieve with a certain fighter and is the fighter marketable with the sponsor’s

brand. It also depends heavily on the fighter’s skill level, and appreciation towards

assistance. One thing I’ve found is, it doesn’t matter how good the fighter is at

times, if there not living up to their end of the bargain with a sponsor, they can be

dropped. It’s part of my job to keep the fighter educated on the importance of

maintaining positive fighter/sponsor relationships. Sponsorships are a critical part

of the fight game as it can help off-set a fighters income or provide key products

that aid them in their training.


In the early stages of a fighter’s career, do you think every fighter needs



I think what’s really important is a fighter needs to have people they trust first

and foremost. Whether it’s a manager, a sponsor, a best friends, parent, etc., you

need to know someone’s got your back. Additionally, it’s important that whoever

the person is that is supporting the fighter have established relationships with

fight promoters, sponsorships and print media companies to enable their fighter

with their career.


What do you think of the Amateur MMA Market in our Region?


I think the Ammy market in our Region is very good. In terms of number of venues,

there are plenty to choose from. Personally I like to send fighters to Art of War,

Dawgs of War and Ultimate Reno Combat. The three promotions I just named

treat the fighters very well and look out for their best interest. I’m sure there are

others that are just as good here in the Region, but my time is limited to how

many promotions I can partner with in the Pro and Ammy market.


What is the best way a fighter can get the exposure to the bigger UFC feeder



It all starts right here in our Region. We have some excellent pro promotions that

can boost a fighters career and lead them to what I believe are very credible UFC

feeder shows such as Tachi Palace in Lemoore, CA. Showdown in Salt Lake City,

UT & Superior Cage Combat in Las Vegas, NV are three very well organized shows

and ran by top guys that know their stuff.


We see you attending many UFC fights sitting cage side, what’s that experience



It’s amazing, just being at any MMA venue is cool enough, but to be cage side at

UFC or Strikeforce is icing on the cake. A few months ago I was with Andre Fili

sitting cage side in Omaha, Nebraska to support his UFC teammate from Alpha

Male (TJ Dillashaw) who was fighting on the UFC Fuel card. Later that night, TJ

told us he heard Andre shouting instruction every time he was on our side of the

Octagon. I thought that was pretty cool. Additionally, it’s the entire experience

of being behind the scenes with UFC fighters and their handlers. It’s no different

than going to a pro baseball game and being given full access. No matter the sport,

it’s just awesome being involved with it, specifically when you love your sport.


Speaking of Andre Fili (9-1) out of Team Alpha Male, he has been on a terror since

he signed with you back in Nov, 2011. He was just named MMA KO’s #1 pound for

pound fighter in the region. What’s that like managing Andre?


Andre is the complete package. He’s an active fighter having already fought four

times in 2012 and will probably fight another two times this year. He recently

won the West Coast Fighting 145 lb. belt in the main event on June 9th. He puts in

the time and deserves everything that has come his way. Andre is incredibly

skilled, marketable, humble, appreciative, and thoughtful of his sponsors and

treats his friends and fans with so much respect. I’m always blown away when

I’m with Andre and I see him take time for every fan with a picture or just simply

speaking with them. But honestly, had I not met Andre through MMA and we

met in another life, he would still be part of my family, my friend, my bro,

whatever you want to call it, we just click. We both have each other’s best

interest and make good career decisions together as Andre is very well business

minded. However, as much as I believe in Andre, I treat all MMAGOLD Fighters

with the same respect and support them to their fullest potential. I wouldn’t

bring a fighter onto my squad if I felt we couldn’t build a personal relationship.


One more question for you about Fili, it appears that you have great relationships

as well with his friends and family which is really cool to see. Any comments on



Boss Biz baby, for those that know Andre’s inner circle, I’ll leave it at that. Love

every one of those dudes; Romero, Trev, Foley, Ray and the list continues. I’ve

also become close with Andre’s mother Brandie. She is so proud of him and

consistently appreciates my support to Andre. I feel blessed to be playing a small

part in Andre’s success.


You seem like a pretty relaxed person, what does piss you off?


When it comes to MMA, I do get upset with anyone that doesn’t follow through

on what they say they will do when it pertains to my fighters. Specifically, when

my name or company name is on the line, I take precautionary measure to ensure

I deliver to the fighter 100% of what I committed to.


One of your fighters Devin Johnson recently sustained a horrible training accident

breaking his C4, can you share with us how his prognosis is going.


At this point we really don’t know the extent of Devin’s injury as time will tell.

He’s been transferred to a re-hab facility in San Jose, CA. Devin has committed he

will fight through this and will work every day with the medical staff on his

recovery. I would ask friends and fans to assist with Devin’s medical bills by

donating through these two sites; ( or purchase a “Pray

for Devin” shirt at ( Devin remains positive and has the

mental toughness to work through this.


During our last interview, you gave us a great quote, how about one more?


Find your passion in life and use it to support others.


Who are your key business partners in the Region?


(ilicit) is a huge part of my business and works closely with many of my fighters,

same with West Coast Nutrition as they offer my fighters training supplements

and of course Buendia Pro Performance handles my fighter’s nutritional

consultation similar to the Dolce Diet. MMA KO, 5150, Game Face Fight Gear,

BAMF, Finished MMA, Fairtex, Venum and Century MMA training equipment are

critical partnerships to my business.


Thanks for your time today, any final shoutouts?


All MMAGOLD fighter’s, Tabriz from Team Alpha Male, Hitboy & Tom from Art of

War, Rumsey from Carnage Fight Team, Jim West from Folsom MMA, the fella’s at

West Coast Fighting, Goodman at Tachi are all very close to me and support my

ambitions of building fighters in the region. Additonally, I very much enjoy

working with Al & Shelly from King of the Cage who runs a top notch promotion

looking out for their fighters, Rebel Fighter, Dragonhouse, CageRadio & Gary

Shurley is a good dude. And finally, my wife and children who support my passion.


Final question for you, how can fans purchase MMAGOLD apparel and support

their MMAGOLD fighter?


Fans are welcome to purchase MMAGOLD shirts, hoodies, hat, etc. from my online

store at - 100% of the profits are reinvested back into

additional fighter sponsorships.

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