Monday, May 28, 2012

5150 FightWear Presents - Rob Jackson vs Dave Huckaba

The Main Event was everything it was hyped up to be! Dave " Badman" Huckaba is a bad man when he's pissed! He brought the game to another level and is the official Pound for Pound Undisputed Heavyweight Champion King of Sacramento. Rob "Caveman" Jackson walking out to the cage metal blaring through the speakers as he steps in the cage . Dave "Badman" Huckaba coming into the cage with Cypress Hill bumping the speakers through the place as these two now are face to face! The stare down is intense and lets fight! They both come out kicking right off the bat and Rob pushes Dave against the cage putting his force on Dave as Dave stays very calm. Rob started to land some nice knees as Dave took them well and took Rob down with a nice sneaky leg take down. Dave working for the ground and pound grabbed Rob's arm for a Kamura.Rob was able to move around until getting back to his feet. Dave's striking was second to none as he rocked Rob with some shots! Rob getting a combination of his own but Dave took it well. Both went at it again with Dave landing with great boxing skills as Rob got hurt and took some deep breaths trying to land something. The round comes to a close and was going to the second round as Rob starts to bring it and Dave fires back! Robs leg kicks look good but not landing enough as Dave picks him apart with jabs and hooks! Rob taking it well and firing back with tremendous heart! Dave goes in for a take down and its a huge slam as he gets Rob down and lands some Ground in pound but Rob is able to get back to his feet. They exchange again but Dave is relentless and a killer in there as he lands a nice left hook that drops Rob to the cage and Dave goes in for the kill. Lands some more ground and pound as he put down those hammer fists and Rob unable to defend them and is TKO'd  in the 2nd round. Rob's heart and determination showed you have to knock him out or else! No quit in this kid and watch out for Rob “Caveman" Jackson in the future as having a chin in the sport goes along way! Dave retains the title. Dave wanted to make sure there is no other rematch!

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